Quick Menu / Table of Contents
Introduction Principles Management NRTI Info NNRTI Info
PI Info Fusion Inhibitors Drug Summary Investigational Adherence
Lab Evaluation Resistance Tests PEP Antiretroviral Tables OI Prevention
Vaccinations TB Therapy Hepatitis Therapy OI Diagnosis OI Therapy
Bibliography Links Palliative Therapy


Detailed Prescribing Information

October 2005


Delavirdine = Rescriptor
Forms Available 100 mg tabs
Dosing 4x100 mg three times a day
Contraindication Concomitant rifampin, alprazolam, midazolam, triazolam, pimozide, or ergot derivative therapy

St John's Wort is expected to decrease delavirdine levels and therefore should not be used

Simvastatin, lovastatin
Severe hypersensitivity to nevirapine

Adverse Effects

33% incidence of rash, usually mild and NONPROGRESSIVE with continued treatment

5% of persons with rash will develop, mucosal involvement, and/or

Stevens-Johnson syndrome (aka erythema multiforme major)

Hepatitis which may be severe


Increases PI levels

Antacids and proton pump inhibitors inhibit absorption of delavirdine

Suggested lab follow-up  Liver profile at 14 days, 30 days, and monthly x 3 months, then q3months
Warning Low barrier to one-step mutation.  Use only with other potent agents.
Complete prescribing information



Links to Antiretroviral Sections (click on anything)
Nucleoside & Nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTI)
AZT  |  ddC  |  ddI  |  d4T  |  3TC  |  ABC  |  FTC  |  TDF  |  Combivir  |  Trizivir  |  Epzicom  |  Truvada
Nonnucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTI)
efavirenz  |  nevirapine  |  delavirdine
Protease Inhibitors (PI)  |  Boosted Protease Inhibitors
saquinavir  indinavir  |  ritonavir  |  nelfinavir  |  amprenavir  |  lopinavir + ritonavir  |  atazanavir  |  fosamprenavir  | tipranavir
Fusion Inhibitors


Quick Menu / Table of Contents
Introduction Principles Management NRTI Info NNRTI Info
PI Info Fusion Inhibitors Drug Summary Investigational Adherence
Lab Evaluation Resistance Tests PEP Antiretroviral Tables OI Prevention
Vaccinations TB Therapy Hepatitis Therapy OI Diagnosis OI Therapy
Bibliography Links Palliative Therapy


Updated 10.25.2005